DASL (Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung, Berlin)
Korrespondierendes Mitglied seit 2007
Urban Innovation Network (ex Forum 48) / Collaborator
City Builders (Municipal Art Society + Rockefeller Foundation, New York)
Founding member
TMU (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Tama New Town, Tokyo Metropolitan Region
International correspondant
World Cities Network (London) / Member of the advisory committee
BCCF (Bandung Creative City Forum) / Honorary member
GPN (Global Planners Network) / Member of the steering committee since 2007
ULI (Urban Land Institute , Washington DC) / Fellow (France)
CRE (Counselors of Real Estate) / Partner
Grand Paris Alliance (Cercle Grand Paris de l’Investissement Durable)
Founder and President
HPF (Habitat Professionals Forum, UN Habitat)
Member and GPN representative (2009-2012)
CFDU (Conseil Français des Urbanistes)
Délégué international, 2007-2011)
Ateliers Internationaux de Cergy,
Past member of the board
PIWP (Permanent International Working Party for the European Biennale of Towns and town planners
Member of the organizing committee (2009, 2011) and associated expert (2013)
Membre du Conseil scientifique de l’Art du Jardin